Lifetrenz Hospital - OT Module

Lifetrenz Hospital Management System has a comprehensive Operation Theatre Module that caters to requirements of multiple Operation Rooms (OR) simultaneously. The OT configuration module allows creation of any number of OR units, defining the procedure capability list specialty wise and mapping to ORs. Procedures can be defined from ICD data base or as unstructured (locally defined) capability and assigned alias names for easy reference at the hospital. Procedures can also be defined as "Procedure Sets" consisting of more than one procedure and with local modifiers. Main & assistant surgeons authorised to do the procedures can be mapped to each procedure. It is also possible to define the OT timings for various specialties and availability of surgeons of that specialty for any given day. Procedures can be ordered from OP, ER/ Daycare or IP.
All surgery orders, except emergency surgeries, go through a two stage scheduling of Provisional and Final Scheduling, ensuring that surgeries that meet all the requirements such as patient readiness, availability of designated surgeons, special equipments, implants, blood components etc. are scheduled for a day. This brings down the chances of cancellation or postponement of surgeries and increases operational efficiency.
The application caters for preparation of the patient in the ward and makes all relevant clinical data available to the surgical team. There are specialised modules for Pre, Intra and Post Op workflows for surgeons & nurses in the application and caters to any surgery, re-exploration and even Cadaver Organ Harvest surgeries. The surgery billing is handled automatically based on pre-defined business rules and clinical actions.
The Lifetrenz Hospital OT Module incorporates separate Modules for Surgeons and OT Nurses. They have provision to carry out various checks prior to the surgery, record notes pre, intra and post-surgery. The User Interface is so well designed to ensure that no critical information is missed out. These efficient processes ensure that, the clinical care is of the highest quality and improves the surgical process outcomes.
The Lifetrenz Surgery Management Module records post-surgery anesthesia state, recovery and transfer vitals and recovery score and ensures that the patient is transferred out at the right time post-surgery. All post-surgery instructions and orders are also recorded and presented at the post-surgery patient location, ensuring better patient-care due to the availability of all the record.
Some of the Key Features
- Two stage scheduling - Provisional & Final OT schedules
- Easy Ordering of procedures
- Ward Preparation of patient
- Auto-updation of patient status
- Specialised modules for surgeons and OT nurses
- Handles Pre, Intra and Post OP clinical documentation including recovery stage
- WHO safe surgery checklist incorporated
- Blood Transfusion and implants management
- Instrument/Swab counts
- Integrated to CSSD module
- Handles donor and recipient surgeries
- Handles re-exploration
- Integration with third party OT management systems