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eSource Reports

Liftrenz eSource Reports

With 38 reports to be uploaded for Hospitals and 19 reports to be uploaded for Clinics, either monthly or annually and having to upload many of these reports in 2 parts - for Emirati Nationals and Residents separately, it becomes a challenging task for Healthcare providers to collect all the required data during their day to day operations, generate and upload the reports. However, with a proper software tool that can collate data and automatically generate the reports in the prescribed format, it becomes easy to achieve this and that too with a single click. The Dubai Government's 'Dubai Statistics Center (DSC)', mandates that all Healthcare Providers upload various reports in their prescribed formats in different periodicity. Several of these reports have to be submitted in 2 parts separately - for Emirati Nationals and Non Emirati Nationals, thereby doubling the reports to be mandatorily submitted.
The prescribed format for each report has remained the same for a long time, though there have been some changes to the report format in the recent past. To manage these changes in the prescribed format, it is essential to download the template for the reports from the DSCs website, (which has the prescribed templates to be used), then generate the data as per the templates and upload back to the DSCs website.
Lifetrenz Clinic Management solutions has an eSource module, where you can generate eSource reports as per the prescribed template with a single click.
Read our white paper on eSource report Generation - Simple and easy to achieve to learn more on eSource reporting.

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Resources Center:

For a description of some of the important processes covered, please click on the links below

  • Contractual Management

    Contractual Management

    With 95% of your patients being covered by Insurance it is imperative that you have a very elaborate Contract management system that can capture and configure all the variable rules around the rate card for each of them into a system that ensures all the rules configured are automatically complied. The rules around the contract and rate card of each Receiver-Network are too complex...

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  • RCM enabled Clinical Workflows

    RCM Enabled Clinical Workflows

    Attempting to manage claim denials after the event, is costly and causes unnecessary delays in revenue realization. Depending purely on the Medical coding team post the consult is not the most effective way to ensure Denials do not occur. A good system starts very early to ensure a Zero Denial environment and begins before the Doctor consultation starts.

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  • Claim Processing & Gateway integration

    Claim Processing & DHPO Integration

    Lifetrenz RCM module is a New generation solution, the RCM maintains Separate Workflow Queues and maintains the Stages of a case within each Queue. The Queues maintained are for ePrescription, Eligibility Check, Authorization request, Bill finalization, Claims Processing and Accounts Receivable.

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  • Accounts receivable management

    Accounts Receivable Management

    The Lifetrenz RCM solution has an elaborate Accounts Receivable module to Manage all account receivables and reconcile Remittance advice from insurance payments.
    When the bills are Finalized in OP DNFB, Appropriate Ledger Postings are done to the Patient, Receiver and/or organization (Corporate) ledgers.
    They system also maintains the ...

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  • Revenue Cycle Management

    Revenue Cycle Management

    The most powerful and automated Contract Management and Revenue Cycle management system in the region, can help you achieve Zero Denials, increased revenues and faster revenue realization, without outsourcing to 3rd parties.

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  • eJADA Compliance

    eJADA Compliance

    With over 17 eJADA parameters to mandatorily submit in your eClaim XML, the Lifetrenz Clinic Management ensures that the doctor Captures all mandatory parameters and the Lab results mandated are captured and part of the Claim XML.

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  • eSource Reports

    eSource Reports

    Dubai Statistics Center (DSC) has mandated 19 reports in two parts (emirati and non emirati) to be submitted monthly or annually. Lifetrenz Clinic allows you generate these report in the prescribed template format from the system with a single click, to upload on DSC website.

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  • Request Demo

    Request a Demo

    If you are a decision maker at a Healthcare Facility, and would like to see a Demonstration of any of our Products for the Healthcare Vertical, We would be keen to demonstrate the same. See all the workflow and processes at you clinic in a demo.

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