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Lifetrenz Hospital - Discharge Process

Hospital management system discharge process

Lifetrenz Hospital Management System's Discharge Process is designed to be an integrated process, aligned to all the activities performed on a patient, from the time the patient is admitted as an In-Patient till Discharge. The discharge process is a key activity in In-Patient management at any Hospital. The time taken for the Patient Discharge to be completed from the time discharge is ordered to the time the patient actually walks out of the Hospital is an important factor that contributes to patient satisfaction and operational efficiency of the Hospital.

Lifetrenz Hospital Management System's Discharge Process actually starts building the blocks for discharge, right from the admission process itself. Since the System can auto bill the patient for every activity that took place during an IP encounter based on various actions, finalising the IP Bill is an easy process. The bill is made self-explanatory for easy understanding of the contents by the Patients or their attendants. Another important aspect of discharge, the "Discharge Summary" can also be auto generated with one click. The discharge summary format is highly customisable and the Hospital can have a single format at the Hospital level or customise it at a specialty/ department level or even at a physician level. Hospitals can have multiple templates and any one template can be defined as a default template. All these make the discharge process of Lifetrenz Hospital Management System, an efficient and easy-to-use process for the Hospital.

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